Students' Wellbeing
ISC endeavours to maintain an inclusive learning environment and a positive school culture where students, parents and staff feel safe and have a strong sense of belonging. The school aims to help the students become responsible, self-disciplined and respectful of the rights of others.
ISC seeks to provide an environment where teaching and learning is effective and where violence (physical and verbal), racist comment and sexual harassment are unacceptable and forbidden. Violence is defined as behaviour which hurts and/or makes others feel afraid.
Our school does not support the use of corporal punishment. Instead, we encourage positive schooling by:
Creating a positive school climate
Defining clear expectation, rights, roles and responsibilities
Class discussions
Classroom and playground rules
Counselling, repairing and rebuilding relationship methods
Behaviour management procedures are applied to create a management system that clearly and firmly places responsibility for acceptable behaviour with each individual student. The successful management of students demands that the approach be carried out consistently on a school-wide basis. The school complements its student behaviour management procedures (see Behaviour Management Policy) with a range of teaching and learning programs to specifically teach a variety of social skills as mandated in the Australian Curriculum. The main focus is on building respectful relationships with students by maintaining best practises through the use of class rules, which emphasise safety, respect and learning in compliance with the National Safe Schools Framework 2010.
The National Safe Schools Framework (MCEECDYA - 2011) states:
In a safe and supportive school, the risk from all types of harm is minimised,
diversity is valued and all members of the school community feel respected and
included and can be confident that they will receive support in the face of any threats
to their safety and wellbeing
This community embraces Islamic tradition that provides context, meaning and purpose to what is being taught. In doing this our community can provide an opportunity for personal growth inspiring our students to be in pursuit of excellence in all aspects of their life. Furthermore, the School Values - Respect, Honesty & Trustworthiness, Responsibility and Acceptance - aim to develop the students' whole personality,
empowering each student to become informed decision-makers to achieve our mott“In Knowledge Lies Strength.”
This school endeavours to promote a healthy, supportive and secure environment for all students and to raise awareness of what makes students resilient. There are opportunities where students are able to develop strategies to reduce vulnerabilities and to also build student-school connectedness and to increase coping skills.
We use RESTORATIVE PRINCIPLES to lead into open and sincere conversation leading to observable and measureable actions.
Restorative Model
Mutual respect
A belief in people's ability to resolve their own problems given time, support and a chance to tell their story
Acceptance of diversity
An inclusive approach to problem-solving, so that feelings, needs and views of everyone in a given community is taken into account.
Balance between belief and actions
Explicit character development
The deliberate creation of safe and supportive school cultures and communities where all are encouraged not only to listen but also to have voice and make valued contributions.
ISC practises a whole school approach where everyone (schools leaders, teachers, staff and parents) is involved to embed a safe and inclusive learning culture and environments, including:
providing social and emotional skills programs
providing timely support for those with additional needs
involving students and families in decision-making.
The staff at ISC are confident, skilled and proactive in the management of students wellbeing issues. Their communication processes and protocols are clear and well known to ensure the effectiveness of students wellbeing and support. The school will endeavour to implement and maintain programs such as:
Peer support
Buddy system
Student Awards
Drug Education
Committing to whole school program to develop resilience, social skills, conflict resolution and problem-solving. e.g. 'You can do it.'
Mind Matters
Anti-bullying programs
The school provides the following support structures:
Monitoring of and responding to, protracted student absences
Trauma Management plan
Protocol for Mandatory Reporting
Student Counselling Services
The school may also organise access to:
A psychologist for psychological and academic assessment
Mentors - providing support for 'at risk' students
Counsellors for troubled and traumatised students
Social workers to provide services such as social skills and anger management programs
Youth agencies
Local parent support groups
Counselling with the Imam.