Students Drop Off and Pick Up
The school has made a few changes around the drop off and pick up of students and I ask that you are aware of the information below:
1. School commences at 8.45am and students will gather in the main assembly area at this time in their class groups
2. There will be a short assembly and students will then move to classes
3. If students arrive after 9.00am they will be required to complete a late note and take this to their teacher
1. Classes will conclude at 3.30pm
2. Parents/Carers will be required to collect their child from THEIR CLASSROOM at 3:30pm. However, due to COVID19, students will be called out if their parents arrive or they will be taken to front of the school for pick up.
3. Staff will remain in class with the students from 3.30-3.45pm for collection. Due to COVID 19, staff will accompany the students to in front of the school for pick up.
4. After 3.45pm students will be moved to Learning Centre for After School Care and payment will be required.
It is expected that ALL students are picked up by no later than 3:45 pm.