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Curriculum Subjects



The English curriculum is built around the three interrelated strands of language, literature and literacy. Teaching and learning programs balance and integrate all three strands. Together, the strands focus on developing students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in listening, reading, viewing, speaking, writing and creating. Learning in English builds on concepts, skills and processes developed in earlier years, and teachers will revisit and strengthen these as needed.



The Australian Mathematics Curriculum aims to ensure that students:

  • Develop an increasingly sophisticated understanding of mathematical concepts and fluency with processes, and are able to pose and solve problems and reason in Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability

  • Recognise connections between the areas of Mathematics and other disciplines and appreciate Mathematics as an accessible and enjoyable discipline to study. 



The Science program is a ‘hands-on’ course that has been designed to expose the students to a variety of Science disciplines and cater to the needs and abilities of all students. 

  • Students explore the diversity of life on Earth and continue to develop their understanding of the role of classification in ordering and organising information. 

  • They use and develop models such as food chains, food webs and the water cycle to represent and analyse the flow of energy and matter through ecosystems and explore the impact of changing components within these systems. 

  • They consider the interaction between multiple forces when explaining changes in an object’s motion and they explore the notion of renewable and non-renewable resources and consider how this classification depends on the timescale considered. 

  • They investigate relationships in the Earth-sun-moon system and use models to predict and explain events.



The humanities and social sciences are the study of human behaviour and interaction in social, cultural, environmental, economic and political contexts. The humanities and social sciences have a historical and contemporary focus, from personal to global contexts, and consider challenges for the future.

In the Australian Curriculum, the Humanities and Social Sciences learning area includes a study of history, geography, civics and citizenship and economics and business.


Through studying Humanities and Social Sciences, students will develop the ability to question, think critically, solve problems, communicate effectively, make decisions and adapt to change. Thinking about and responding to issues requires an understanding of the key historical, geographical, political, economic and societal factors involved, and how these different factors interrelate.

The Humanities and Social Science subjects in the Australian Curriculum provide a broad understanding of the world in which we live, and how people can participate as active and informed citizens with high-level skills needed for the 21st century.




In the Australian Curriculum, The Arts is a learning area that draws together related but distinct art forms. While these art forms have close relationships and are often used in interrelated ways, each involves different approaches to arts practices and critical and creative thinking that reflect distinct bodies of knowledge, understanding and skills. The curriculum examines past, current and emerging arts practices in each art form across a range of cultures and places. Each subject focuses on its own practices, terminology and unique ways of looking at the world: 

  • In Drama, students explore and depict real and fictional worlds through use of body language, gesture and space to make meaning as performers and audience. They create, rehearse, perform and respond to drama.

  • In Media Arts, students use communications technologies to creatively explore, make and interpret stories about people, ideas and the world around them. They engage their senses, imagination and intellect through media artworks that respond to diverse cultural, social and organisational influences on communications practices today.

  • In Visual Arts, students experience and explore the concepts of artists, artworks, world and audience. Students learn in, through and about visual arts practices, including the fields of art, craft and design. Students develop practical skills and critical thinking which inform their work as artists and audience.




The Technologies band aims to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to ensure that, individually and collaboratively, students:

  • investigate, design, plan, manage, create and evaluate solutions

  • are creative, innovative and enterprising when using traditional, contemporary and emerging technologies, and understand how technologies have developed over time

  • make informed and ethical decisions about the role, impact and use of technologies in the economy, environment and society for a sustainable future

  • engage confidently with and responsibly select and manipulate appropriate technologies − materials, data, systems, components, tools and equipment − when designing and creating solutions

  • critique, analyse and evaluate problems, needs or opportunities to identify and create solutions.





Health Education is aimed at broadening students’ understanding of a series of personal and societal issues such as: safety, lifestyle awareness, growth and development, social and emotional health, nutrition, life skills and fitness. They are encouraged to reflect on these as they come to terms with their personal growth and socialisation.

Knowledge, understanding and skills in the personal, social and community health strand recognise that health comprises physical, social, emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions. 

Movement is central to Health and Physical Education not only for acquiring the skills, concepts and strategic awareness required for participation and enhanced performance in physical activity and as a means for optimising wellbeing, but also as a medium for learning across this curriculum area.  There fore students: 

  • Will learn those personal and contextual factors, and individual and group actions, shape health, wellbeing, safety and participation in physical activity.  

  • Will develop, value and reflect upon their own and others’ strengths to promote healthy, active living for all.

  • Develop movement competence and confidence in a range of physical activities in a variety of contexts and environments by building upon the important foundations of play and movement skills.  

  • Develop and refine their communication, decision-making and self-management skills, and learn to manage risk and take responsibility for their own and others’ safety.  

  • Build essential knowledge, understanding and skills by experiencing a range of physical activities that are performed individually and in groups.  

  • Learn to appraise their own and others’ performances and develop an understanding of, and skills to address, the factors that facilitate or inhibit participation and performance. 

  • Understand the place and meaning of physical activity and sport in their own lives.

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