Arabic Language
The study of languages contributes to the general education of all students. It operates from the
fundamental principle that for all students, learning to communicate in two or more languages is a rich,
challenging experience of engaging with and participating in the linguistic and cultural diversity of our
interconnected world.
The study of languages builds upon students’ intercultural understanding and sense of identity as they are
encouraged to explore and recognise their own linguistic, social and cultural practices and identities, as
well as those associated with speakers of the language being learnt. Learning languages also develops
students’ overall literacy, strengthening literacy-related capabilities that are transferable across learning
Islamic School of Canberra (ISC) offers Arabic language as its language other than English according to
the Australian Curriculum. Arabic lessons provide students with a distinct educational opportunity with
regards to language learning, different cultures and Australia's multicultural society.
The Arabic department at the Islamic School of Canberra follows the requirements of the Australian
Curriculum and teaches Arabic language from Kindergarten to Year 10.
Arabic teachers are provided with Smartboards and other educational resources to allow a more effective
delivery of Arabic lessons. Arabic language teaching is embedded in a wide range of mediums such as
interactive activities, songs, internet resources and a variety of media on the following strands:
Communicating: i)Socialising ii)Informing iii) Creating iv) Translating v) Reflecting
Understanding: i) System of languages ii) Language variation and change iii) Role of language and culture
Arabic teachers take all students backgrounds (language and culture) into consideration when they plan,
teach and assess Arabic language.